Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday Alice Renaud is visiting and talking about Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #fantasy romance #Mermen

‘1. What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing?

I think I became a writer at the age of 14, when I wrote my first story, a sprawling, way-too-ambitious fantasy saga set in a world that the sea covered entirely once every 500 years. So before I was a writer I was a child. But I think a part of me has remained a child, in love with stories, monsters and heroes. Now I am a published writer but I also have a full time job as a compliance officer for a pharmaceutical company. I write at night – I think I might be turning into a vampire, without the bloodlust.

2.   Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above. 

I write fantasy romance, because I’m a romantic at heart and fantasy was my first love. It’s reading The Lord of the Rings, aged 12, that made me want to become a storyteller. Even then I zoomed in on the romantic elements. My favourite character was Eowyn, the feisty shield-maiden, in love with a man she couldn’t have, because he was in love with a beautiful elf.

3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres? 

I read widely – I love fantasy, paranormal, and historical romance, but I also like contemporary novels. Currently I’m reading “The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock,” by Imogen Hermes Gowar, and loving every word of it. It’s a historical romance with fantasy elements, so right up my street. I have written contemporary romance, but I enjoy writing fantasy a lot more, and that’s definitely because I’ve always loved fantasy books. Tolkien, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett are a few of my favourite authors.

4. What's your latest release? 

My first book, A Merman’s Choice, was published in January this year by Black Velvet Seductions. It’s the story of the forbidden, but fated, love between a shape-shifting merman and a human woman, inspired by the landscapes and legends of Wales and Brittany. The second book in the series, Music for a Merman, is due out later this year.

5. What are you working on now? 

I’m working on the third book in the Sea of Love mermen series. The title is “Mermaids Marry in Green.” This story is based in London, and is more of an urban fantasy, centred on the romance between a kick-ass shape-shifting mermaid and a warlock who is trying to give up magic. It’s great fun!

6. Where can we find you? 



  1. Thank you very much for hosting me and my book!!

  2. Can't wait to have all three books in your series. :)

  3. A Merman’s Choice was a great read. Can’t wait to read book two in the series.

  4. Alice, Glad to have you here. Finding new writers is always a treat

  5. Alice, what a great interview! Can't wait to read your second book!

  6. Nice interview, Alice. Those mermen make my cold feet hot!


  7. This was so interesting to read. Alice, we have similar tastes in fiction. I loved your comments on your childhood!

  8. Alice,
    I agree with you the Lord of the Rings, rocks so does your book A Merman's Choice.

  9. Thank you very much all for commenting!
