Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday's Writing Tip - Cliches #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing #am writing #Cliches

In the hear of writing, you are concerned with putting the words of the story on the paper. You reach the end of that rough draft and then comes the revision. Suddenly you find those little phrases like blind as a bat, from the frying pan into the fire and other things you've read and heard before. Part of the problem is they flow so easy from the keys of the typewriter and from the mouth. Often they say just what we mean,

We've seen how often something can become a cliche. I remember the first time I read, he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Sounded great the first few times but suddenly those words ahve become a cliche. Think about how when you're reading you find a particular phrasing great and suddenly, you read it everywhere, That's how cliches are born.

Finding ways to change remove cliches from your writing is difficult. The first way is to find something completely different to say. Find another way to voice what you mean that packs a punch for the reader.

There are other kinds of cliches. Here's a list and we'll be looking at them in the next few weeks.
Phrase cliches, character cliches, effects cliches. scene cliches, plot cliches.



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