Monday, January 7, 2019

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishingLTD #Poetry #Blue #Writing

Meander 1 - Poem - Hospital Green --

The long corridors are painted
Green - a certain shade of the color
Restful, quiet
Yet not right for peace.
Green - pain and sorrow
Tears and laughter.
Green gowned, white masked
Blend in shadows with the green wall.
Creeping, lurking, watching
Hospital green - not grass
Nor trees or algae pools
Not nature's green but
Green of birth and death.

Meander 2 Feeling down - Today it's raining outside and I'm feeling down. For many reasons. One is because I'm not being fair to the child I love very much. She gives and we take and it's not fair. I've managed to make some plans for the future. The other is the sameness of each day. My husband is not getting better or getting worse. He needs to start doing more for himself and I don't know how to tell him. I'm sure this will work out one day.

Meander 3 Writing - Finally getting the last chapter blocked in for this book that seems to be eating my life. Hopefully by the time the month ends I'll be able to see the end and can let my editor and publisher know. May be another reason why I'm down.



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