Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday PE Kavanagh is telling Who She Was Before #MFRWauthor #Romance contemporary #Suspense #Mythical elements

1.What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing?

I’ve lived what I like to call a ‘buffet’ life – lots of varied flavors and experiences. I’ve been a professional dancer, chemical engineer, biotech executive, chef, and founder of yoga studios and a children’s school.

Presently, I also work as a spiritual counselor and creativity coach. My clients come to me to recover after life has knocked them down and find the joy in creative expression.

All these flavors influence every part of my life, including the fictional worlds I create. My interest in resilience and personal transformation leads me to designing characters who go through rough times so they can discover their own strength. My technology background shows up in my characters’ careers, and my love of food and dance gives them wonderful hobbies.

It’s important that I create smart, well-rounded characters who reflect the three-dimensionality I strive for.

2.Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above. 

All my novels are high heat contemporary romances, but I also like to explore twists on that theme. I sprinkle in psychological intrigue, mythical and magical elements, and suspense. My most recent series involves a group of interconnected families and relationships that move from friends to lovers.

I love romances and am very happy to make that the primary thread of my work. I also love weaving in the various ways a love relationship can manifest in real and imaginary worlds. The only thing I can guarantee is that I will follow where my characters take me, whether they’re stockbrokers, chefs, or witches.

3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres? 

I have always been enamored with literary fiction, women’s fiction, and romance. When I started writing, those were the forms with which I was most familiar. Those are the stories that resonate most deeply with me in both reading and writing.

4. What's your latest release? 
December is a busy month! Consenting Adults, the fourth book of my Friends & Lovers Series, is releasing in one week. This is my most ambitious work, and pulls together not only characters with rich life experience, but also many of the current social and political events that are interesting me.

I also just released the Boxset of the first three books of that same series and the audio version of Coming Home (Book Two) is coming soon.

5. What are you working on now? 
I'm involved in a few multi-author projects, which are firsts for me and very exciting. The anthologies will include novellas and a short story that are more action oriented. One involves dueling assassins and the other a military hero finding his way to trust and healing.

Keep an eye out for more information on those!

6. Where can we find you? 

Here are all my links:

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