Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday's Guest - Silvie Grayson #MFRWauthor #Law #romantic suspense #Scifi/fantasy

1          What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing?

I was a business person and a lawyer before I began writing full time. My husband preferred the term entrepreneur, and it feels right. We started and ran a few businesses. Then I did law school and practiced family law for a time, but ended up back in business. However, the legal knowledge has been a huge help in that type of enterprise.

This background certainly has had an impact on my writing. I love being able to use personal experience to augment the stories I write, and I always advise authors to write what they know. There’s nothing like someone doing a story on a career they know little about, leaving themselves open for a lot of criticism. I haven’t quite given up business, but spend an equal time writing.

2.                 2  Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above

I write romantic suspense. I began in contemporary, and love the twists that the suspense adds to a romance. Then I branched out into sci fi/ fantasy (my writer friends can’t decide if it is one or the other, so I call it both 😊 )
I usually write one contemporary, then one fantasy. It gives me a whole new perspective and I never get bored from sticking to one genre.

3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres? 

Absolutely. I read Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon among other novels, and that sent me straight into the sci fi realm. It is a great book and woke my imagination in a really new way.

4. What's your latest release? 

My latest release is called Dead Wrong, a contemporary romantic suspense. It’s about a girl who was pushed very fast through school, and ended up in a situation she was too immature to handle. Now she’s all grown up, but the events have come back to haunt her. Tagline - When Shelley’s boyfriend disappears, never did she imagine he would come back to haunt her.

5. What are you working on now? 

Currently I’m working on Book Six of The Last War series. It doesn’t have a name yet, that usually comes later on in the process. I’ve begun the MS and am still working out the details of what happens and who is involved. But there are plenty of characters from the first books to draw on and the Emperor is out there causing chaos. Great fun.

6. Where can we find you? 

My website is –
and Twitter
 and have an author page on Amazon for my dozen books.

Author of many contemporary romantic suspense novels, and the sci fi/ fantasy series, The Last War, Sylvie Grayson loves to write about suspense, romance and murder, all about strong women who meet with dangerous odds, stories of tension and attraction.
She has lived most of her life in Canada, in spots ranging from Vancouver Island on the west coast to the North Peace River country and the Kootenays in the beautiful interior of British Columbia. She spent a year in Japan. She has been an English language instructor, a nightclub manager, an auto shop bookkeeper and a lawyer. She lives in southern British Columbia with her husband on a small piece of land near the Pacific Ocean.

Sylvie loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at, on her website at where you can sign up for her newsletter, on Facebook at  or on twitter at

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