Monday, November 20, 2017

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #Poetry #Writing #Christmas stockings

Meander 1 - Poem Man's Gift

Love is never a selfishness.
It doesn't hide inside.
It's not a hidden vastness thing.
It's infinitely spaceousness.

Love never keeps itself apart.
It recognizes needs
And finds a way to give itself
To another's yearning pleas.

Love understands a wordless cry.
It reaches out a hand.
To hold another's hand in love
Is the greatest gift of man.

Meander 2 - Christmas stockings. I've been shopping lately and finding interesting and cute or practical things to put in the stockings of my family. This is something I really enjoy doing but I wonder who will do this when I no longer can. There are stockings for my family in Florida and some are hard to figure what to give. They've been away so long that I don't totally know their likes and dislikes. But I struggle on. There are the two family members in Georgia but they'll be here this year. That's good but what I include in their stockings depends on if they are going to drive or fly. There are the five in the town near us. I do see them frequently though not so much these days since going out to dinner night has changed due to work schedule. But I can find lotsof interesting things for them. Finally there are the ones for the people in this house. They are relatively easy to find little things for. And I have and amazed myself by choosing a scarf for one that totally matches her new coat I hadn't seen before I made the purchase. So I'll soon be done ant they comes the fun of packing them, plus the ones for the members of the critique group who I will party with in a month.

Meander 3 - Writing - The new story is going well, surprisingly well. I have nearly 10,000 words on the page and this is just the rough draft. There are a few things to add and some to change but that will happen once I have the whole story down in black and white. I love starting a new story and following the plot and the characters who exist in my head. The characters change the plot and the plot changes the characters. An amazing thing.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this post. Good luck with your new novel. I've written one third of mine,

    All the best,

    Rosemary Morris
