Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday's Guest - Featuring J Q Rose Talking about Genres #MFRWauthor #Genres

1.      What's your genre or do you write in more than one?  I write fiction and non-fiction books—eBooks. My fictional stories are mysteries because I like reading mysteries. Coming from a freelance writing background, I enjoy sharing information with non-fiction titles e.g. a vegetable gardening guide, a writing tips book, and a book to inspire and empower girls by sharing stories of the lives of 15 wonderful role models for girls.

2. Did you choose your genre or did it choose you? I believe mysteries chose me. Figuring out the puzzle to determine who the bad guy is caught me. I liked the challenge. Now I’m challenged to put together a puzzle for a reader without revealing too much, but adding enough clues to make sense at the end. Quite a balancing act to accomplish.

3.  Is there any genre you'd like to try?  Or is there one you wouldn't? I would never want to write erotica. I think readers would probably giggle reading the bedroom scenes. Nor would I want to write historical fiction because there is so much research to be done to get the facts and era correct.

4.  What fiction do you read for pleasure? I like reading mysteries to escape from reality for awhile and put off cleaning the refrigerator and chores!  Sue Grafton’s alphabet series and Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series. I like humor in the stories.

5.  Tell me a bit about yourself and how long you've been writing. After we sold our floral business, I screwed up my courage and asked the editor of our regional newspaper if he’d like articles about the local area. I gave him some ideas, and he said yes! Although I’ve written since I was in second grade, this was the first job to have a byline. What a thrill to see the article published in the paper with my name on it. I learned a lot about newspaper writing from him. When we decided to travel full time, I wrote articles for local papers, RV magazines, and online magazines. After 15 years of freelancing, I decided to try writing fiction for fun. Loved that too. My first fictional e-book was published in 2011 by a small press.

6.  Which of your characters is your favorite? At this point, I would say Henry, the shadow man in Deadly Undertaking. I could let my imagine fly when developing his ghostly, but caring and mischievous personality. The best part was keeping the secret as to why he was in my main character’s life.

7.  Are there villains in your books and how were they created? Yes, there are bad guys in my books, but not bad all the way through. I like them to be kind of likable by readers so they won’t suspect right away he/she is the bad guy.

8.  What are you working on now? I’m tearing apart my first e-book, revamping it with new scenes and characters, so I can re-issue it this winter. It’s a mystery but with light horror. Yes, horror. When I was writing it, I never dreamed it could be classified as horror. It’s pretty mild and is filled with humorous situations.

9.  What's your latest release and how did the idea arrive? Dangerous Sanctuary is my latest release from Books We Love. The story is about a female minister in a small town church in Michigan. The choir director is found murdered in the church basement and the handsome detective suspects the pastor. Besides figuring out the mystery, I think the reader will enjoy reading about the pastor caring for Abraham, the pig, and Katy, the kangaroo, in the back yard of the parsonage. (Maybe I should have chosen Abraham as my favorite character. So much fun to write these scenes.)


  1. Enjoyed the post and learning about you.

  2. Thank you, Diane. Glad you enjoyed it. Janet asks great questions.

  3. Thank you for the interview today,Janet, and for featuring my books tomorroW.
