Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday's Writer's Tip - Writing ABC - J is for Jeopardy #MFRWauthor #Jeopardy # amwriting

J is for Jeopardy. Just what does this mean. In every story one or both of the main characters has to face some kind of jeopardy. Now this doesn't have to be the chase by the villain trying to end the life of the main character or characters though this does happen in some stories.

Jeopardy means the character has to face a threat of some kind. This could be a little as losing an important document or a single shoe. Though those don't call for high drama, they can give the character a bit of danger in not being able to reach their goal. In a romance the hero or heroine must face some kind of jeopardy in that they will lose the one they love. In a fantasy it could be being lost in a maze with no seeming way out. Or being on a space ship in danger of crashing.

So find a way to put your characters in jeopardy and also have a way for them to overcome this event to reach a satisfactory ending.

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