Monday, March 28, 2016

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #poetry #Writing

Meander 1 _ Poem


Your echo footsteps cast a spell.
Goodbye, my love, you could not stay.
Soft murmuring trumpets sound the knell.

I dismissed my feelings' sentinel.
My cautious heart, I could not obey.
Your phantom footsteps cast a spell.

Your golden laughter pierces my cell.
Chased aging shadows far away,
Soft murmuring shadows sound the knell.

I watched my thoughts of gloom dispel.
No longer morbid memories prey.
Your echo footsteps cast a spell.

Thoughts of silver singing made me well.
Days of flowers held in a bouquet.
Soft murmuring trumpets sound the knell.

Now at your leaving I rebel.
I hide my tears. I won't inveigh.
Your echo footsteps cast a spell.
Soft murmuring trumpets sound the knell.

Meander 2 - Aging. When the rain approaches I feel the coming in every bone of my body. That is part of the process of aging. Many days I wish there were no signals but they come. At least my mind manages to keep pace with my days. It hurts to see those I know slowly forgetting what happened yesterday but remember what belonged to years ago.

Meander 3 - Writing - This month three books released and another put up for pre-release. Just recieved a fourth from my published to go through the revisions. I'm delaying this for today and probably for tomorrow. Am moving forward with my current project. As I was falling asleep these words popped into my head. "The emporer is gone. The four heiresses have vanished." Not exactly what i need at present - another story forming when I have so many in the pipeline. I'll keep writing for as long as I can.

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