Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday - What She Was Before featuring Gianna Simone #MFRWauthor

1. What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing?

A reader. When I was a kid, I devoured every book I could get my hands on. When I got older, I literally read almost a book a day. Writing stories of my own followed almost right away. I remember writing my own short stories as far back as third and fourth grades and wrote my first complete novel when I was a freshman in high school. It definitely influenced my writing -

2 Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above.

Obviously, I'm a romance writer, so all my stories will fall somewhere in there - within that category, I write erotic stories and I tend to like various historical periods, and prefer to write my books set in times and places in the past. Histeroticals, I call them. lol The Dark Ages through the late Medieval period are among my favorite eras. But I also like paranormal/fantasy and combining that genre with historical is one of my favorites.

3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres?

Yes. I tend to read books in the historical and paranormal/fantasy genres, both for enjoyment and learning. I like to step out of my comfort zone as well, though and a well-written contemporary erotic romance by certain authors will always catch my eye.

4. What's your latest release?

Warrior's Possession, now re-christened Book 1 in The Medieval Warrior's Legends series, is out on February 13th. This is an updated re-release with a new cover and is also the official relaunch of the series, of which there are many more stories to come.

5. What are you working on now?

Warrior's Witch, the fourth book in The Medieval Warrior's Legends. It's one of those combination genres I like so much, "historical plus" I like to call it – it's a time-travel tale with a bit of a twist. I'm also plotting the basics for the next story in The Norsemen Sagas.

6. Where can we find you?

Everywhere! lol

Here are my links:

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