Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday - Elf Ahearn - Who She Was Before #MFRWauthor

So I have this sleeper published in 2013 that is still climbing Amazon’s rating chart, which is why I’m back on the promo slog. The book is titled A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing, and as of this writing it’s #62 in Victorian romance. It actually takes place during the Regency, but since it’s an intense “page turner,” (according to the critics) I guess they figured readers of Victorian novels would find it more acceptable. Here’s what I’d like, though; to reach #1 in all romance, okay? Okay. That said, I’ll get to the Q&A part of this posting.

1. What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing?

 A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing features a magnificent stallion named Manifesto, so it’s not off topic to note that I was a horse as a child. I whinnied, I pawed the ground, I walked, trotted, cantered and galloped, and in the spring when violets bloomed, I grazed on the lawn. My father was a college professor and once a year he’d lecture about evolution and how humans came to walk upright. He spiced this oration with an anecdote about me continuing to crawl on my hands and knees though I was well past toddlerhood. Obviously I was a horse lover, and I was lucky enough to have my own pony, Bettikins, who was a far cry from Manifesto. Though she was chubby where Manifesto is sleek, and it was hard to get her to gallop, while Manifesto is a racer, she taught me the behavior of horses. Being a horse, however, taught me how to live in another’s skin, and I use that skill with every character I write.

2. Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above.

So far, I only write romances taking place during the Regency in England. They’re my sister’s favorite books, and she got me into this romance writing gig, so… But I do love writing historical novels. I’m an old soul and I think the Regency suits me. Plus, I love that my heroines can’t press a button on their cell phone and get the police to help them out of a dire situation. They also have to deal with horses, which makes me very happy. 

3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres?

My reading choices had NOTHING to do with my choice of genre, I’m ashamed to say. I’d scarcely read a romance before my sister suggested I write them myself. It’s been a joy to discover so many marvelous female voices. Frankly, romance writers are awesome!

4. What's your latest release?
Right now A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing is the only book available. My second novel in the series, Lord Monroe’s Dark Tower, is in my total possession, and I don’t want to re-release it until I’ve done some rewriting. The love story sucked, if you’ll pardon my potty mouth.

5. What are you working on now?
I just finished the third novel in the series, which is titled A Duke in the Rough, and I’m searching for a publisher. Hopefully one that will print the whole series.

6. Where can we find you?
My Website is
And A Rogue in Sheep’s Clothing can be found on Amazon—just click the link.


  1. Just delightful, my friend. Stricken with Vertigo for a week I can't drive but I can write and I do. My story comes soon and I can't wait. Best to tou my good pal.

  2. Thanks for visiting. Hope you stick to the directions better.

  3. Oh poor Miss Charmaine,
    I hope you feel better soon. My husband gets vertigo frequently--we thought it was something to do with wax buildup in his ears--but the doc says it's misplaced crystals. Go figure. So, my darling, may your crystals align!

  4. Feel better dear Charmaine. Elf, I am SO HAPPY for your ranking. I just LOVED that book and cannot wait for more. If there's not a publisher, just self-publish and put it out there! The cream rises to the top!
