Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday -Tricia McGill is Talking About Heroes, Heroines and Villains #MFRWauthor #amwriting

1. What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing?

I was a pattern cutter/designer in the clothing industry (specifically women’s & children’s wear) for all my working life until I retired early due to a back problem. This had no influence on my writing at all, except in so far as once retired I then had the time to concentrate on a long-held desire to write full length novels. And luckily I had a husband who encouraged me to go ahead with my dream.

2. Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above.

No, I have written Time-Travels, Contemporaries, Mainstream, Historical, and my next one out will be a Futuristic. Although warned early on in my writing career that this was not the way to go if I wished to be successful, unfortunately my Muse had other ideas. She has always taken over and insisted I write whatever I fancy tackling at that moment in time, hence the mixture of sub-genres. My books all have a strong romance at their heart though. I could never tackle mystery or horror, but admire writers who do. I’ve written one short horror story and it scared me so much that I can barely bring myself to look at it. I would never sleep at all if I had horror whizzing around in my head instead of romance.

3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres?

Definitely. I’ve always read Time-Travels, even as a child. I love that magic of passing through dimensions into another time or place. One of the early books I read involved a pony-loving girl (I was horse-mad) who passed into another world every time she went into her pony’s stable—so this love has been with me a long time. And (as mentioned above) I can’t read or watch creepy stuff as it gives me nightmares. I like to inject a touch of humor into my stories and love reading Romance that makes me laugh along with the characters.

4. What's your latest release?

My latest release is Maddie and the Norseman, a Time-Travel. I’ve had this fascination for the Vikings for a long time and so it seemed natural to go back there. Maddie is in England visiting her archaeologist friend. They are about to take part in a re-enactment at the Viking village in York when they are swept back in time to Jorvik, a thriving trading town, as York was in the year 879 AD. Here Maddie meets her dream Viking.
5. What are you working on now?

I’m almost finished re-working Amid the Stars, a futuristic. This book was originally published as Amaryllis and as the title hints is set on a far planet. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this one as it was so much fun to create an alien, especially one who could read minds, and was a terrific lover as well. Not your average ET, my Reve. I could let my imagination go wild on this one as who would challenge me on the facts.

6. Where can we find you?

My web page:


  1. Hi TRicia. I know how experts want writers to "specialize" in one kind of genre so readers will know what to expect. But, really. We write to have fun. Looks like you are doing just that! Congratulations.

  2. Trisha, I think there are many writers who want to hit different genres. Epublishing has been great for them, myself included,

  3. You are both so right. We all write what we must, whatever it may be. Thank you so much for having me as your guest today, Janet.

  4. Glad to have you. Always enjoy having writers visit who write what they want.

  5. Hi Tricia,
    Great post. Your writing journey has been an interesting one.


