Monday, September 14, 2015

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #amreading #amwriting

Meander 1 - Having a good time reading books by authors I mainly know only on the net. There have been romances, a cop adventure that was really great, and at present a paranormal that's sort of a time-travel but is more like the ones I write as reincarnation. I've been writing reviews, something I rather don't enjoy. There are people who write reviews and do long things. This I can no longer do. Once I did. I would rather just rate the books but I won't do that.

Meander 2 - Surprises can be fun. I received a notice that today I'll have an interview up here.  I don't remember writing the review so it should be as new to me as it will be to those who read it. I'll be promoting it tomorrow after I see what I've written. These kind of surprises are always lotsof fun. I really should do more of these sort of things but I so seldom do,

Meander 3 - My writing. Wizards draft is finally typed in and now comes the fun where I mark all the places where there needs to be expansion and to put in what I failed to do when writing the first two drafts. I'm about half way there as far as word count so there's a lot to do and I may need to do a thirteenth chapter since the end one seems to cover too much time. I'll be typing in the Seducing the Chef and hope wordwise I've added enough to make what I want the book to be. Then it will be on to the Cancer Capricorn book for the Opposites in Love series. and then to push forward with the At First Sight series so when I get them all back I'll be able to start pushing them out one at a time.

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