Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wedensday's Writer's Tip - Using Action #MFRWauthor #amwriting

Action is important in writing a story. But action doesn't necessarily mean sword fights, or car chases or the like. In writing a story action means scenes. An action scene can just be two people talking, laughing or dancing. Even eating a meal. By action we mean something needs to be shown to the reader. An invitation to be part of the story. Yes these can be tension filled scenes but they can also be quiet or funny. In one of my stories the heroine climbs from her balcony to the hero's balcony. There's some action and a bit of humor but the reader also gets to know the characters better and to see what might happen in the story.

There are large scenes and ones that are smaller. Think of two people in an argument when they are standing on opposite sides of an issue. Think of a scene where the characters are discussing an important coming event. Big scenes are for the times when opposing factions meet. This creates tension and conflict, important parts of a story. Opponents is a large scene are out to eliminate each other or make the problem go away.

Small scenes are a way of giving the reader important information such as characterization, of during a conversation where the problem needs to be clarified.

Scenes should be used when something important in happening. Narration can handle something the reader needs to know but is something minor.

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