Monday, August 24, 2015

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor

Meander 1 _ Corn silk is plaguing my kitchen. This is the season for corn on the cob and when you must husk it there is all this corn silk. Now this may be useful to the corn and maybe to bugs or something but for me it is useless. If I could weave it to make cloth I might not mind but it's fragile and yet strong. This evening while making dinner, I thought I'd found hair in the gravy. Not my hair. Mine isn't the right color nor is it long enough. Corn silk had invaded my food. What's really awful is when it somehow gets between your teeth when eating the corn on the cob. I will be glad when fall comes and corn on the cob no longer is part of the diet. Also will like better since the weather will be cooler.

Meander 2 - Am reading an amazing book. One that's hard to put down but I must to finish some other reading I must do. This is Juliet Waldron's second Hamilton book. The problem is one knows what the ending will be and I hate to see it coming. There have been times while reading when I want to smack Alexander for some of the things he does. But the real thing is the book is great and pulls at the emotions. Good job, my friend.

Meander 3 - Moving forward with my writing. I've finished the second re-write of the story mainly making the time line work. With four view point characters I had to make sure the segments were in the proper order so the story moved forward. With that done, I'll put it down for a time and return to working on several stories that were published but need some work to have them re-published. I'm hoping to use a different cover artist so I don't overwhelm the one who usually does my covers. All in all there will be 7 books to do this to. At least one won't be a complete re-write. It's a long book. The six are shorts that are really too short and some elements weren't fully explored. Will work on that.

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