Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday's Inspiration - Where Is Your Muse #MFRWauthor #amwriting

Found this quote by Sidney Sheldon in an essay by him and it made me think. "If you only write when the muse sits on your shoulder, it is unlikely your project will ever get completed." Wondered for a long time why this appealed to me and I discovered the reason. I don't have a muse. If I waited for one to appear I would never have written.

Do you have a muse? I wonder if when people remark their muse is on vacation or some other reason for not writing is an excuse. I try to write every day. Don't always make this happen. There are times when life intrudes.

I am really curious about this. What do writers do when the muse is absent? I can't imagine waiting for someone to tell me I should write this or that. Sitting down with a pen and paper nearly every day  is how the words get made. Sometimes they all get thrown away and sometimes they don't.

If I had a muse she or he would be the characters in the story or the plot that needs to be solved or the background which includes setting. Sometimes this is inventing a world that doesn't exist or the every day world where I live. The trick to completing a book is to tell the muse, if you have one, to wake up or not. You are going to write whether they're present or not.

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