Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday's Inspiration - Finding Your Method of Story Telling #MFRWauthor #Amwriting

Don't know about you but I spent years learning my Method of Story Telling. I read and re-read books on writing. I took a bit here and a bit there. I tried everyone's tips. Some worked and some frustrated me. But what I discovered is each writer approaches the written word in a different way and each of these ways is right.

Now I can lose patience with people who have to write and re-write their stories to have them make sense. I do a number of drafts but some of these aren't re-writes.I also can't understand people who don't have a solid grip on their plot before they begin. I have no patience trying to allow the characters to call the moves in a story. As the author I'm telling my version of some story others have told before and often better than I have.

Over the years I've started to cut down on the number of physical re-writes I do for each story. Part of this is because I write long rough drafts, never longer than the story will be. Where most of my re-writing comes about is in the chapter synopsis. I've written for one story five or six of these. What happens is I must go back and start again since I've written or plotted myself into a corner that allows no way to get out. I may have solved one or more of the problems too soon and the story becomes trunicated.

So I start with the Chapter synopsis, the rough draft, the typing draft. Then there are the drafts done on the printed out copy looking at Plot, Setting, Characters. Then comes the re-write that may be a paragraph, a scene or even a whole chapter. Typing and finally the nit-picking draft for those dumb mistakes or language problems. This is the way I manage my story telling.

How about you, have you developed your own system or do you just trust to luck

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