Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Frank Talaber is Talking about Heroes, Heroines and Villains #MFRWauthor #BooksWeLove

1. Do you write a single genre or do your fingers flow over the keys creating tales in many forms? Does your reading choices reflect your writing choices? Are there genres you wouldn’t attempt?
I've written Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Literary Fiction, Erotica, Romance and Humour. Probably the only genre I wouldn't try is Young Animal. Can't quite wrap my head around what a two year old giraffe would be thinking or acting like. Let alone a teenage gorilla, nor do I really want to know. They're a little banannas anyways.

2. Heroes, Heroines, Villains. Which are your favorite to write? Does one of these come easy and why?

Well, from my experience the men usually do easier than women. It's the way the species is built. Women take a bit more finesse and and attention to details, which most guys ain't got the time for. I attended a romance writers conference and one of the things mentioned was that a ladies idea of a perfect idea of a romantic evening is wine, flowers, slow dinner, candlelight, a nice fireplace alight, slow kissing and caressing. Everything up to intercourse. That's where a guys idea of a perfect night begins. Yup, that is kinda what a lot of males are light. Well, except the Alpha males in most romance novels. If I'm to be honest, I like writing about the heroes. What makes them tick, why they go out of their way to help, save others. 

3. Heroes. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or plain imagination create the man you want every reader to love? Do they come before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?
Tough question. Go into any firehall and yell, fire and you'll get your answer. True heroes, I would class as firemen, what they've seen or had to do to save someone or something from a burning building. Usually pictures do it for me. I think visually and see my scenes as through the eyes of a camera. A true hero, has his flaws and demons that he has to fight through, while saving the world or at least some old lady about to be run over by a charging rhino. Or even a buggy at the grocery store. I usually have a idea for a story and Joe Do-gooder (or Josephine Do-gooder or Chipmunk Go-nutter) arrives after. I always ask the question what if? From there the muses begin to work their magic and keep me up half the night writing feverishly.

4. Heroines. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or imagination create the woman you want the reader to root for? Do they appear before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?

Heroines I more often draw from  real pictures and then begin to imagine what that person is like, how they would act etcetera.

5. Villains or villainesses or an antagonist, since they don’t always have to be the bad guy or girl. They can be a person opposed to the hero’s or heroine’s obtaining their goal. How do you choose one? How do you make them human?

These I often draw from real people, either persons I've bumped into or pictures. I look into their eyes and draw the tortured soul out that I see mirrored inside and again ask What If and what made them the way they are are today.

6. What is your latest release? Who is the hero, heroine and or the villain?

My latest release is Shaman's Lure, a urban fantasy set around the brutal slaying of Vancouver's mayor, found in Stanley Park, against the monument to Pauline Johnson. The heroine is Carol Ainsworth, newly promoted female detective, this is her first big case and part way through the book, this tough as nails woman begins to realize she might be in it over her head as she not only has to tackle the Hell's Angel's, but a psychotic witch, that's been rewakened and is desperate to return to our world. The hero is a slightly mad shaman named Charlie, who is trying to recapture the Lure of Stanley Park, who is mentioned in Pauline Johnson's Legends of Vancouver, as a witch that is trapped in a rock in Stanley Park. Charlie has a bent sense of humor and a good heart. But as Charlie would say, better than the other way around because no one finds a good clean comedian truly funny and if you have a bent heart, you'd most likely walk with a limp. Wait a minute, he does walk with a limp and a cane. Okay, maybe I got that backwards. The villain is the Lure of Stanley Park. Purely a bad news succubus, who sucks in people's sexual energy in order to return to this world. Yup, you'll go with a smile and a orgasm when you meet her, and another, and another. I think you get the picture. 


7. What are you working on now?
Currently I'm working on Thunderbird's Wake. Which in essence is the third part of a series. Shaman's Lure is book two and Raven's Lament is book one. Raven's Lament is about a reporter that goes to investigate the cutting down of the rare Golden Spruce in protest of logging, up on Haida Gwaii. Charlie is the main character through all three books, he and Carol are investigating the death of a native elder in a penitentiary on the BC coast. One of the inmates happens to have Thunderbird's essence trapped inside and some evil creatures who shall not be named (yeah the natives thought of that title, long before Harry Potter), will stop at nothing to make sure he doesn't wake up.

8. How can people find you?


If you scroll down you'll see me on the left under 22nd.


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