Sunday, March 1, 2015

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #BooksWeLove

Meander 1 - Promoting Pen by Pen - I have pens that give my name, the kind of books I write, my website and my blog. Today I gave two away. They were to the PA and the nurse who was caring for my husband. Will they buy my books? Maybe. Will they look me up? Perhaps. Sometimes they do buy my books and that's always a plus. Pens aren't that expensive, especially from the company I use since they always add ten percent more than you order. Other people give away things like magnets and paper book marks. Magnets. I do have them on my refrigerator but they're always ones that strike my fance not ones advertising books. Paper book marks are relatively useless for me since I throw them away and I don't read many paper books these days. But pen by pen I'm getting my name out to other people. I do know one person who received my pen not long before Christmas purchased all my YA ebooks for her daughter.

Meander 2 - Decision making. Sometimes this is very hard. I nearly had to make a decision that would have affected my life dramatically. Thank heavens I didn't have to make that one. There may be others I will have to make before this event ends in my life. I only hope I'm strong enough to make them.

Meander 3 - My writing is going well and in a strange way. I'm preparing two rights books back to send them to my current publisher. For both of them there will be at least another book. There are four series I must complete and I will.. One is involved with medicine and nurses but I'm talking them out of the hospital. I'm working on the latest of the Dream series and it's going fairly well. Am up to a Gemini hero to go with my Cancer heroine. This will bring four to the series so there will be eight to go and I have the ideas for two to follow. Finding time has been difficule since there ae stressful times but I'm forging ahead.

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