Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday with Margo Bond Collins talking about Heroes, Heroines and Villains #MFRWauthor

1. Do you write a single genre or do your fingers flow over the keys creating tales in many forms? Does your reading choices reflect your writing choices? Are there genres you wouldn’t attempt?

I write in several genres: urban fantasy, contemporary romance, and paranormal mystery are some of my favorites. I write the kinds of things I love to read—and since I read almost everything, I'm willing to write in whatever genre the story requires.

2. Heroes, Heroines, Villains. Which are your favorite to write? Does one of these come easy and why?

As a general rule, whichever character I'm writing at the moment is my very favorite ever! I think it's probably a little easier to get inside my heroines' heads, but I love the practice of getting inside my heroes' minds, as well. And the villains? They're so lovely and twisted!

3. Heroes. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or plain imagination create the man you want every reader to love? Do they come before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?

I tend to start with characters, and then move out from there, so my heroes start out pretty well formed. I rarely use pictures before I find a hero, though I love casting him afterwards, even if it's sometimes difficult to find a man who lives up to my imagination.

4. Heroines. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or imagination create the woman you want the reader to root for? Do they appear before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?

Like my heroes, my heroines are generally the motivator for the plot—their experiences help move the story along—and I start out with a pretty good idea of who they are before the story ever begins.

5. Villains or villainesses or an antagonist, since they don’t always have to be the bad guy or girl. They can be a person opposed to the hero’s or heroine’s obtaining their goal. How do you choose one? How do you make them human?

The easiest way to create a villain is to get inside his or her head—what does the villain want? need? What's his motivation? It's easy to create the "Scooby Doo" villain, the kind who does evil because the plot needs it. But the best villains are the ones who truly believe that they are doing what is best for everyone. The most compelling villains act out of their convictions, so I try to capture that.

6. What is your latest release? Who is the hero, heroine and or the villain?

My latest release is Bound by Blood, a companion novella to Sanguinary. In this book, the heroine is Dr. Lili Banta, a CDC doctor who has been called in by her ex-boyfriend Will Manning to help diagnose a recent outbreak of a strange disease among some children in Houston, Texas. In some ways, the villain is the disease itself—but as it turns out, there's more than one villain in this tale . . .

7. What are you working on now?

I'm currently working on several projects, but the next definitely scheduled release is Siren's Kiss, due out Summer 2015 as part of the Falling In Deep Collection. You can learn more about it here:

I'm also working on a number of sequels this year, including sequels to Waking Up Dead, Legally Undead, and the Hometown Heroes series.

8. How can people find you?
Twitter:  @MargoBondCollin
Goodreads Author Page:

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