Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday's Guest Corinne Peters - Talking About Heroes, Heroines and Villains #MFRWauthor

1.        For now I write in a single genre, Romance Suspense mostly because I like multiple things going on at the same time.  I love a great love story with beautiful people who are not likely choices and the polar attractions that occur with a great who done it in the background, trying to break up the lovers.  It’s what I read and like the most.  What I can’t get into is the paranormal/sci-fi stories….too creepy for me….could be a hold over from the old black and white movies that that used to scare me as a kid!
    I love a strong woman character who is able to resist the conquering efforts of domineering males.  But my favorite character to assume to be is the Hero, he doesn’t have to be strong all the time, he doesn’t have to write all the time, I love making him sensitive and yet be a formidable force.  I find I can say and make him do things that I still can’t make my heroines say or do. 
My Hero is my perfect man, the man I keep searching for.  He’s not a pretty boy’ nor ‘ruggedly handsome’ (a polite way of saying he’s not good looking).. He’s a head turner, always with great eyes sheltered by long lashes and strong eyebrows, a handsome face and full thick hair (not short).  He is always over 6 feet and with a great body that looks good with or without clothes and very sexual, able to please more than once.  Because Mr. Perfect is always in my head he is always before the  plot, it’s just how I’m going to make it unusual.
    My Heroines are always a version of me….some times as I am physically or with a better looking body.  She is always a contemporary woman, able to do anything and defeat anything.  She is very cautions but once she trusts the hero she is very open, funny and strong.  She is also very sexual, something she emits but restrains till the right time.
   I usually have two types of Villains/Villainesses introduced into the story.  The truly bad Villains/Villainesses are usually hidden from view and want to kill the Hero or Heroine.  We often don’t know who they are but their actions are always evident by the murder of someone, which often multiplies to many before they are caught.  The other type of Villain/Villainess in the stories are usually sexual Seducers and manipulators, who are gamesters, not interested in Romantic love but wanting to destroy and conquer one of the Lovers in the story.  Usually the Seducers are redeemable when they are vanquished in their gamesmanship but the Killers have to go.
   My latest release is CarpeDiem 1 and soon to be released is CarpeDiem Blue 1.  They are the dual telling of the introduction and love of Elizabeth Wakefield and Prescott Hamilton.  She is the hard working, professional Investment Consultant VP trying to do business with the Chrm./Pres&CEO of  Global Communications.  Both books tell of the joint experiences of the couple from either Liz’s perspective (CarpeDiem) or Sonny’s (CarpeDiem Blue).  Only in his book do you briefly meet the Villain, but in both you meet the Villainess and Seducers.
I have just finished my 7 book and the start of a new series Second Chances.  The book is Finding Her Heart featuring the prospective of Chad Armstrong the hero.  When we meet him, he has succumbed to being a streetbum and an alcoholic, as a result of some horrible experience and the fatal repercussions as a result of his actions.   His recovery and the costs to regains his life, he tries to write-off as a cost of doing business and not attach any emotional significance to his prostitution of his morals as he endures a sadistic Branch Manager’s demands because he believes no one could ever love him, until he finds again to his Angel of Mercy, Claude Jamerson, the CEO of Claudette Cosmetics, the love of his life and his salvation.
Twitter: @corinnejulienne

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