Monday, October 6, 2014

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters

Meander 1 - When the group goes out of control what does a person do. Critique group last Tuesday was really messy. Not that anyone was being mean or anything like that. It's just everyone was jumping in when they shouldn't have. Interrupting, and other things. Part of the problem was that we weren't at my house. When there I do crack the whip. When the group usually numbers more than 5 or 6 and can approach 14 then it's time. So I posted the rules and hopefully people will stick to them. If not I may need to ask people to leave the group. A hard thing fro me since I'm a Cancer and don't like to throw away old familiar things.

Meander 2 - Had a good book signing on Saturday. There were eight signers so that's a bit too many for an event. Three or maybe four is more ideal. I need to do some pushing to get at least that many of us out into the community.

Meander 3 - Am changing the title of WIP again but I think this one will do the trick. In Pursuit of Michael. The story is going good in this revision stage and I do need to pick up the pace so I can finish it no later than mid-November. Then I also need to get started on looking to finish all those stories I'll be pullonmg from other publishers. Want to put most of my eggs in one basket so things will be easier for my family.

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