Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday's Guest - Charmaine Gordon with Heroes, heroines and villains #MFRWauthor #Suspense

1.      Do you write a single genre or do your fingers flow over the keys creating tales in many forms? Does your reading choices reflect your writing choices? Are there genres you wouldn’t attempt?
When I began writing about five years ago, I didn’t know about genres. A story came to me about  a woman whose husband walked out after forty years of marriage and she didn’t know how to put herself together again. Survive and Thrive became a theme for a while; romance with suspense in contemporary times. Titled To Be Continued refers to the heroines life

2.       I love them all. My daughter once told me to write a heroine readers will love and I listened. Then the heroine eventually longed for a hero. I wrote him in. You taught me about conflict and I’m still learning. Early on I discovered a villain and loved writing him into the story. What a thrill diving into his devious mind to watch him in an attempt to destroy lives.  Perhaps evil lurks in my heart to write such characters every so often in the midst of romance..

3.     Heroines and hero’s: Imagination is the key to all my characters. I see them, know their names, how they walk and talk and let the story play out scene for scene.

4 Villains or villainesses or an antagonist, since they don’t always have to be the bad guy or girl. They can be a person opposed to the hero’s or heroine’s obtaining their goal. How do you choose one? How do you make them human? In Sin of Omission, flying by the seat of my pants as I always do, I ended up with a male and female bad person. The man had mental problems; the hero eventually lassoed him as he came close to his goal of destruction. And then a woman, involved in porn, came to Haven as to a temporary sanctuary. Former companions tracked her down, a shootout ensued and The End. All in the midst of romance and a struggle for love.

6. What is your latest release? Who is the hero, heroine and or the villain? Farewell, Hello is the title of a recent release. Innocence in 1948 when Joy Davison and Danny Wilson, high school sweethearts, fall in love. He leaves for pilot training in San Antonio, Texas and all hell breaks loose. Tune in for the further adventures of what happens next.

7. What are you working on now?
Housebroken is the title. No, it’s not about a dog. The story deals with empty nest syndrome and how a long married couple begin life with just the two of them in a smaller house in a friendly town. You know me, Janet. I write fast. Housebroken was released a few weeks ago and now I’m writing book 2 in this series. No title as yet. The friendly town is River’s Edge upstate NY about thirty miles north of Rockland County.
 8. How can people find you?
            Blog: as above
            Twitter: @CharJGordon

            Facebook: page

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