Monday, June 16, 2014

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor

Meander 1 - Being Discounted - This week three of my books are on sale and a fourth is coming up on Wednesday. So if you want to read Affinities - Searches, Rekindled Dreams or A Double Opposition head to Amazon now. Affinities - Confrontations comes up on the 18th. Having books on sale really gives the pocket a boost at royalty time. Different from the old days when having your book put on sale meant no one was buying it and on those remandered sales the author received nothing.

Meander 2 - How do you tell writer friends that they write too fast or too slow. Writing too fast often means there's no revision and no feedback from other people. Then one comes up with a story no one wants to read. This has happened to me and I've learned I won't do that anymore. Writing too slow means several things. One lets life get in the way. Some people live lives of drama and everything gets in the way of their writing, Or they take on jobs that relate to writing but aren't really oriented in the direction they dream about. Or they spend time trying to make a scene perfect and feel they can't go on for another word or two.

Meander 3 - My writing. Toth's Priest is moving slowly but this is the draft where I need to put in all those scenes I skipped or wrote so fast they don't make sense to anyone but me. Did receive the covers for the first 2 books of the trilogy and they are beautiful.

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