Monday, February 3, 2014

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters

Meander 1 - Good day to stay at home. Snow is coming again so what to do. Actually I'm participating in JeRoWriMo which means trying to write 30,000 words in the month of February. Shouldn't be hard since that's a little over 1000 words a day. Part of the problem could be where a person is in a project during this time. I'm adding the meat to one project and if that's finished I'll be able to start a new story that has a chapter outline. I feel confident I'll make the challenge.

Meander 2 Writing reviews for other's books. This could be a disaster for me. I don't like to do this. I have no problem rating books but I sure do have problems writing what drew me to this book. I either like or I do not like a story. What's going to happen is that I'll probably stop doing this soon since it's not what I'm good at doing. Problem is I could write a lot about the books I don't like but I refuse unless it's a contest to do this to other authors. There are some who go through and trash all those they don't like. Not me.

Meander 3 Writing is going well and hopefully I'm changing the time problems in Melodic Dreams. I've had to find a way to make three days into two and that meant making some changes. I believe I've done that and in the writing, I do believe I'm going to slash the opening of a chapter that's toward the end of the book. Why? Because the opening scene bores me and boredom isn't what a writer wants to see. If the writer is bored by what they've written, imagine the reader's reaction. So the motto is this "If a scene bores you, it should be double that for the reader. Rip out those pages and toss those words away."

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