Monday, December 2, 2013

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters

Meander 1 Am doing something I should have done before. I forgot one of my publishers set me a page on Maniac Readers until another publisher reminded me. I've been working to get the rest of my books up and this will take me the rest of the month. I've finished doing three publishers but this has also given me an interesting other thing by using a resource at Amazon Kindle where all my books but one are up now, I can get a short link that will send readers to my stories. Doing 2 things at once can save me some time as I promote the books. No more strings of letters now. That's good especially since a lot of my books are going on special sale. Now there are three. Healwoman, The doctor's Dilemma, and Escape. Maybe a fourth later today.

Meander 2 I've decided my hand is really connected to my brain. I write my stories and type them, I've tried not using a pen and paper but for me the thinking doesn't really work. So I will be a writer not a typer ( maybe not a word) but it's what I am and will remain. I might be able to work with a voice thing that types the words but I'd really like a program that would give me a screen with lines I could write on and the words would appear on the screen. Maybe someday there will be one. I can only hope.

As to my writing. Moving rapidly ahead with Melodic Dreams. Both Rekindled Dreams and Amber Chronicles are off at the publishers. Perhaps I should announce them one day as sales and will once I see a cover for the second. Think I did for the first. Now thinking of a Title for the fourth of the Moonchild series, which pits a Gemini hero against the Cancer heroine. I have an idea about the hero but the heroine hasn't appeared yet but there's time since I'll need to work on Toth's Priest after the current dream is finished.

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