Monday, October 7, 2013

Meandering on Moday with Janet Lane Walters

Another Monday and the first meander is about having a website designed. I am not and never was a visual person. I do not know what looks good. I never even find pictures of heroes and heroines and think they look like those I'm writing about. I've had two websites, The first one the company stopped hosting and the second grew too expensive. Not there's a third. I'm letting the designer have her head about how this will go and I'll be providing some of the words for the site. Once it's done, I'll do a shout out and have people do a critique on it. Perhaps there will be some suggestions for this visually handicapped person. What I think of is in words and the few times I remember dreams, it's the words I remember, not the pictures.

Second meander is about many hands. Am on a conference committee and we gathered to get bags ready for the coming conference. Not sure how many people were there but the time was fun socially and the work completed quickly. The food was great. Perhaps I'll begin to associate the faces with the names before long.

Third meander is about my writing. Am really wanting to finish Rekindled Dreams and move on to the next ones in the lineup but one can only work as fast as one can. Spoke to my friend Jane Toombs yesterday and though we weren't really talking craft but as I was telling her about the story two things popped into my mine. One is the initial love scene has to go and be changed because this is really the hero's story. He's the one who has the most involved. A man searching for a family that's been denied and lost by his own actions. The talk made me realize that the ending I'd devised will be the right one.

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