Monday, September 23, 2013

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters

Meander 1 Just recently I read something about critiquing and friendship.  Reminded me of the time I critiqued a friend's manuscript. This was just after I became a published author. One story she'd written was a very funny mystery and I felt she should go forward with the story. She wanted to write romances and sent me pages of a romance she'd written. She wrote very well but what was lacking was the story. Much was unrealistic and so I made massive notes on what she'd written pointing out things that jarred. She was angry and hurt and never spoke to me again. What I'm saying here is that when critiquing a manuscript, though an author, the critique becomes a reader and maybe an editor. Parts that make no sense tend to stick out. If it's a romance the words need to say this is a romance. If you join a critique group, you need to have a thick skin and to remember this isn't personal. It's about the work. If you can't tolerate receiving remarks from others, don't ask for help. Sure there are some people who join groups to make their own works seem better. One rule I try to tell people when they're part of my group. If one person finds something wrong you can ignore what they're saying but if three say the same thing, you need to go back and take a good look at what they say and re-think what you've written.

Meander 2 Lately I've been trying to do too many projects at the same time. Is this a bad thing. Maybe yes and maybe no. There are stories lined up that want to be written. What I need is a few more hours in the day or to buckle down and stop playing around. Not sure this is possible but I may try.

Meander 3 Current projects under construction. Rekindled Dreams is moving along. And am ready just to re-write scenes like the love scenes to smooth them out. The Amber Cage is progressing but at this point what I have is boring in many parts. But I know this is the way I write. When I finish the rough draft I'll look at the parts that need to be made more active especially the love elements. I do need to have more development between the hero and the heroine. That will happen as I move forward.

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