Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday's Writer's Tip - More about the Middle

The middle of the story is where the writer builds up toward the end where the main characters either achieve their goal or fail. This is done by scenes that either show character development, give hints about details the reader needs to know or pull the plot forward. There are some things the writer needs to keep in mind.

Always know where the story is headed. Now this is subject to change but knowing who will succeed and who will fail should be kept in the fore of the story. How will the characters react to the changes. Each scene should shot a change in what is happening to and between characters/

One thing to remember is the scenes should be different. Now you could have all the scenes taking place in the same setting and between the same characters but there's something that needs to change. Putting the same information in again and again even though the words are changed can bring the story to a halt and turn the reader away. Scenes where nothing new happens will bore the reader and sometimes bore the writer. I once heard an editor speak about restaurant scenes repeated again and again. What bothered her was these scenes were static and advanced the story in no way.

Every scene like every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. If nothing changes who really cares that these characters have met for the tenth time and talk about the same things. Happens in real life but shouldn't in fiction. So write scenes that matter to the outcome of the story. If the girl is going to get the boy let the reader see how this happens. If the criminal is going to be caught show the steps that make this happen. Always aim toward the ending even if the only one you have is a general one. Don't solve the characters' problems off stage. Let the reader see what's happening and the middle will flow toward the end. Step by step.

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