Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday's How She Does It featuring Calisa Rhose

We all know there are six elements of fiction. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. I believe the first five lead to the sixth which for me is plot. What's your take on this?

I agree. You can’t have a plot without characters, GMC (the when, why and what) and the setting those characters live in-where.  


 1. How do you create your characters? Do you have a specific method?

Not really. I just sit down and write. LOL Whatever comes out of that is what it is. Then there’s usually a lot of editing along the way and at the end.


2. Do your characters come before the plot? Do you sketch out your plot or do you let the characters develop the route to the end?

My characters always come before the plot. Then they lead me on their journey, wherever that path leads. I’m a pantser so I often get a lot of surprises along the way, which makes writing all the more exciting for me.


3. Do you know how the story will end before you begin? In a general way or a specific one?

I know where I would like the story to go, how it will end, but I don’t put it on paper because the only time I tried that I emailed a synopsis that turned out to be a total lie. I learned my lesson. LOL


4. Do you choose settings you know or do you have books of settings and plans of houses sitting around?

My husband is a long-time construction worker and I’ve spent a lot of time on various jobs, seen some spectacular homes so I generally create my own homes for characters. Unless I want a working visual, then I might find something in a book or online.


5. Where do you do your research? On line or from books?

Mostly online, but if it’s local I go visit.


6. Are you a draft writer or do you revise as you go along and why?

I edit as I write. I hate it and I know we’re told not to, but I can’t control the internal editor (maybe because I am an editor?) so I‘ve learned to embrace my internal editor, rather than fight her, and we usually get along splendidly…usually.


Thanks for having me here today, Janet. I’ve enjoyed your questions. I’d like to ask one now of your readers. If you write, how do you turn off your internal editor, or do you? Non-writers- how do you feel about a book that isn’t meticulously edited? Or do you notice?


  1. It's hard to shut off that internal editor. :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. My internal editor only functions when I let it. That's after I have at least three passes through the story.

  3. For me too, Melissa. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I envy you, JL! LOL Glad you came by to share. :)

  5. I agree that when I'm reading a book, characters are very important. I have to be interested in them, or I won't care enough to follow the plot, or finish the book.

  6. I'm the same way, Ann. If my characters can't hold my interest, not only can I expect readers to like them, but the story usually won't even get finished. Thanks for your thoughts.

  7. You mean I'm allowed to embrace my internal editor? Ever since I got a fortune cookie that said "Be satisfied with one Chapter at a time" very shortly after my first book contract, I've been unable to shut off my internal editor.Glad I'm not the only one who writes this way. Thanks for sharing!

  8. A Fortune Cookie, Lilly? How cool and YES, embrace that darkness. ;)

  9. lol! Calisa, I have a collection of fortunes from fortune cookies that I relate to writing. They are taped to my monitor. one says: Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded. I'm still waiting for that one to come true. :)

  10. But your talents have been recognized, Lilly! So much so. It's just the reward that might be slower in becoming real to you. lol

  11. I agree. Letting the characters choose their actions and responses results in a great deal of surprises.

    And in my case, some very odd novels.

  12. LOL I have to read Worst Week Ever, Liza! Thanks for stopping by. :)
