Monday, June 10, 2013

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRW #amwriting #amreading

Since I'm doing the rough draft of a new story, I've been reading a lot since for me rough drafts take a lot of deep thinking. and I need to clear my head during the process. Now admitidly some of the books I've read are re-reads but I do that a lot. Once the rough draft is done, I'll pull back from reading and then start making the story make sense. There are some chapters in the rough draft that have few words. Those are the scenes that take a bit of working. Some of the scenes are in show and others are in tell. Hopefully all will be in tell. A Spicy Seduction is the last of a six book series of novellas.

So now to the reading part. First is China Blue by Kat Attalla. I heard part of this years ago in critiqie and hoped she would finish the book. She has and it's a wonderful love story. The second book, actually 3 books released together by a former critique partner Carly Phillips, Truly, Madly, Deeply is the title. The first story in the trio remains my favorite of all the books she's ever written. Yes, her writing has changed but this is among the first I ever heard from her. The other two are good stories and the interesting thing is that I remember parts of both the stories but not the ends. Pathway to Tomorrow by Sheila Claydon I found interesting and deals with autism and horses. The story was interesting and the heroine had to learn to give up control. The hero was a dream. The final book was by an author I've never read before and I found I'm going to order the two other books in this series The Ardis Cole series. This was the first book in the series and takes place in Egypt involving murder and archeology.

That's it for now. I'll be reading paperbacks this week and they take longer for me to read than the ones on the reader. I'll also be working on the clean-up draft of Shattered dreams and perhaps talking on the BWL group about neither loglines or taglines but a system I use that starts me writing my story and is used for writing the dreaded blurb.

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