Monday, November 19, 2012

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #amwriting

Another week has pass the past week there were so many meanders impinging on me that I'm not sure where to start. The first is contests. I've been busily reading books and partials for two contests. Next year there will be a third. I did drop out of judging one contest since I found it one that was difficult to handle when the second came into line. So next year there will be three again. Hopefully spaced a bit better.

The second meander was about a talk I'd like to give and that's on World Creating. A sudden inspiration struck. No matter what genre we write, we are creating a world. There will be more on that later. Now to busily sketch that idea out. Do I have a special insight. Who knows.

The third meander was something I kind of disagree with. A fellow writer said the only reason to go with a publisher is for the editing factor. I'm not sure I agree with that, but then I don't like the idea of doing the entire mss myself. Art work, formatting, editing. Not sure I want to hire people to do these chores or learning to do them myself. Part of this has to do with age. Doing these things takes a lot of time and I have a lot of books that still want to be written.

Continuing to type the corrections into Lines of Fire and should be done by the the month or into the beginning of December. Will come close to my target word length. Am re-working what is not The Goddesses of Er and the new twist seems to make the words much faster. Just finished a fight scene and felt as if I'd been the fighter when I finished. Being part of an imaginary scene alwys tells me I'm on the right track.

So enough meandering and it's back to work.

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