Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday - 25 June - Week behind and week ahead

Keying in corrections is boring but it must be done. Though the story is finished it is not ready to send. I'm faced with pages of manuscript with corrections scribbled over the pages. Question marks left off. Words that are words but not the right words. Sentences that are needed to clarify the story. Between this and also starting the rough draft of a new story this coming week looks like fun.

Last week I did finish the final read through of The Micro-manager Murder and now must type in all the corrections so I can send it off to one of my publishers, the one who has the other four of the Katherine Miller mysteries. Writing the end is always a rewarding time and making those last few changes, maybe not a few but hundreds will make the story sing.

This week I'll be working on Lines of Fire, the first of a trilogy. A fantasy grouping that somehow snuck in ahead of the next story in line. Sometimes stories cry to be told and though the one I had planned to tell next is still there the characters are waiting patiently so this new one can be told. Alric is a Defencer who sees and uses the lines of fire during the duels he fights. Kalia is to be his bondmate. She also sees the lines but she refuses to use them during duels. This whole concept is interesting to me at this point and during the writing, I'll start thinking of the next and the next stories. Call writing an obsession. I believe that's true. So now it's off to work.

Before I go, tell me which is your favorite part of the writing game? Writing The End or starting the Rough Draft of a new adventure?


  1. Love your cover with the kitty. I love writing the end, but I also love revising. First drafts are torture, but I just love to revise and revise. Gives me such a good feeling.

  2. I get a very special kick when the final paragraph of a yarn gives me the lead-in I need for a Sequel :)

    This has happened for me twice now with a Childrens story which was originally intended as a 'stand alone' (pirate-themed, aimed at 9-14 age range).

    I must be doing something right beuse the (first) Sequel was recently accepted for publication [bigger publisher this time around!] and I'm well into writing the early chapters of the third book. Perhaps this is common when writing childrens' books? Any thoughtss on this?

  3. Because I do write some YA books, I usually know when they're going to be a trilogy or more when I begin. What I really work hard on then is the final words before writing the end and that is to finish the initial story and to be a lead into the next.

  4. I'm sort of an odd ball I guess. I love the start of the rough draft, when you sitting there staring at that blank screen and everything is possible.


  5. I would say the beginning. Feeling the characters get some air in their lungs. Seeing the scenary come to life. I'm workig on book II in a series and as soon as I put a character from book I on the page I felt "Oh good so-and-so showed up. Now the party can start. My buddy is here."

    Cora Blu
