Monday, April 16, 2012

16 April - Week Behind - Week Ahead

The winner of a copy of Refuge is Jayne. An email has been sent to her.

Yesterday I was part of a multi-author booksigning. Wasn't bad and wasn't great but I did sell 4 books and talked to people who read both on their readers and books. In fact, someone bought the first of a series and said she would download the others. Interesting idea. The downside to the signing was with the number of children's book authors there. Would have bought a dozen books since I have grandchildren of the ages they were writing for. Managed to restrain myself and just bought three books. Also saw the sort of divide in readers. All the small children who came were drawn to the books. As the ages progressed I saw less interest in paper books and more in electronic readers. Not sure why, but I think it's because younger children like the feel of holding things in their hands.

Now to the writing part of last week, Managed to work hard on the Setting draft and making a few changes in the plot. This will continue until I have all the pieces in line. Will probably ne nearly two thirds of the words down by the time this draft is finished. For Katherine, marriage after 30 years of being a widow is proving interesting. She's always walked to her own drummer and now there are two drums beating.

This week I intend to finish the setting draft and allow the book to simmer for a few days while I begin the rough draft of The Guild House. Fantasy romance and I'll see where it goes. Must begin with a prologue that will set up the world. The words for that have begun streaming through my thoughts. So now it's off to work.

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