Monday, February 6, 2012

6 February - Week Behind and Week Ahead

Sometimes a story almost tells itself. I've finished the rough draft of A Surprising Sedcution in probably 10 days or so and this after I tore up nearly two chapters because I hit a dead end. The trick was finding the character to begin the story. Of course there's a lot of the story to continue since by the time I finished the last chapter there were changes to be made in the first few chapters. Some of the scenes surprised me. The hero and the heroine of this sexy novella do not trust each other and especially the hero has made assumptions. You know what that makes him. In the end, he'll come around because how else can you have a romance.

This week I'm into the second draft and that's putting the where and when into the story. After the first draft I often have people operating in a vacuum and need to put touches of their setting and time of year into the story. I am usually so involved with actions and interactions during the rough draft that time and place are ignored. While this time I'm using settings I'm familiar with filling them in will be a bit easier.

This week, on Saturday I'll be participating in a Nook Book signing at the local Barnes and Noble. Hopefully the event will be a success and sales will happen. Besides pens I'm trying to decide what else to take as promotional things. Will see what ideas I evolve as the time comes closer.

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