Monday, July 4, 2011

4th July Week Ahead and Week behind

First two things one coming in the future. On July 17th I'll be giving away 17 print books that I've written. They will be given to those who are followers of this blog. Though I would love to give a book for every year I've been around I don't have enough titles. Also some of my books aren't in print yet.

Second, I've been wondering what triggers me to buy a book for my Kindle. There are two ways to interest me. The first and most important are those blurbs that give a hint of what the story will be. The second is when I can read a chapter, not just an excerpt that shows how sexy, mysterious or other thing but a full chapter that makes me want to read more of the book. Sort of like the editor who receives a manuscript and who keeps turning the pages. So what impels you to buy a book?

3000 words left to complete A Sudden Seduction. Hopefully I will finish this week. The last words are always the hardest since they usually involve scenes not fully realized or endings that need to be tweaked. I'm glad since the characters for the next book are knocking on the door and wishing to be allowed inside and to drive my imagination in a different direction. The coming story will be an exploration of the alternate Egypt I began with The Warrior of Bast. The heroine of this story traveled for a time with those of the first story and the hero had a bit part in the Warrior story. A very bit part and all is not what it seems. That's one of the beauties of fiction.

I feel good about last week's work and did several good scenes and discovered things I hadn't known when I started the story. Secrets were revealed. Love when that happens.


  1. Blurbs, covers, excerpts but lately, perhaps most of all, recommendations from people (other than the writer) whose opinions I respect and who are excited about the book. That's what led me to try Nalini Singh, Larissa Ione (now my two favorite romance authors), Meljean Brook's Iron Duke and Roxanne St. Clair's Bullet Catcher series. Recommendations.

  2. sounds like you've had a productive week.


  3. I admit to checking covers and blurbs. And, if I know the author already, I buy. If it's someone I don't know, I'll look for excerpts/reviews.
