Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday -- Plotting

Here goes more on plotting. First a bit about foreshadowing. There are writers who do no foreshadowing of events to come and others who foreshadow so much that when the event occurs it is anti-climax. Finding the right balance can take time and skill. With no foreshadowing the event slams the reader and may draw them out of the action. With too much the event that will occur can bring yawns. Remember looking forward to an event can be stimulating but take care not to build up to a let down.

Other ways of making the large scenes in the story have the desired impact on the reader include using a preview scene and using contrast scenes. When using a preview scene show the conflict to come but make the ending of the scene differ from the main ending of the crisis or the black moment. Use hope when the other scene will end in despair or despair when the scene will end in hope. During the build up to a climax, crisis or dark moment make the small scene before the impact scene one with a mood in opposition to the one to come.

Make sure the major scenes have an aftermath where there is change. Don't make matters continue as they have been. Major scenes mean major changes.

Another thing to remember while the story moves along the road that is the plot that motivation matters both the internal and the external. These motivations may be in conflict or in agreement but always keep them in mind as you plan your scenes, major and minor.

1 comment:

  1. Love the reminder of a change after major scenes. Great post.
    Liz Arnold
