Monday, March 14, 2011

14 March = Week behind and week ahead

Just back from EPICon and what a lot I learned there. Heard a speaker from the Copyright Alliance who spoke about the importance of copyright for all artists and especially for authors. The second thing that really struck me was the conference binder came on a CD. No more bulky note book with more pages that you cared to see. The only paper I had to carry was a single sheet with the schedule and one with a map of the facility. That was necessary since there was a bit of walking to do. Heard several great speakers and met old friends and made new ones. Putting faces to the names of those you see on the different group digests is great. Got to see some interesting belly dancers at the banquet and managed to present the two awards I was presenting to people who were there to receive them. Both were friendly acquaintances I've met at other conventions of the group. Heard a lot about promotion and talked to other people about what they were doing. I may have some ideas and again I may not.

Came to this conclusion, If you're published electronically you should be an EPIC member. The group is professional - writers, editors, publishers, promotional people. Almost all the members are published. Those who aren't are intimately involved in the industry. Also it costs less than many professional organizations.

As to writing -- little done last week. This week I will do better.

WHAT'S COMING -- Tomorrow - more inspired by Bird by Bird, Wednesday - Getting into Plot, Thursday's interview will be wit Regina Andrews. Friday Becoming Your Own Critique Partner writer's hints, Saturday Ist chapter of one of my books and Sunday, more blog visits.


  1. Welcome back, Janet. Glad to hear it was a great convention! My first convention will be RWA11 in NYC this summer. I'm really looking forward to it!

  2. Welcome back Janet! Sounds like you had a great time at EPICon!

  3. Greetings, Janet, I'm seeking writers interested in reviewing my new release WRITER WELLNESS, A WRITER'S PATH TO HEALTH AND CREATIVITY on their blogs. If you would like more information, please email
    Joy Held
