Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day, Last week and what's ahead, contest - MY writing Life

Today is Valentine's Day and I'm having a contest. The prize will be a print copy of Healwoman - Dark Moon due out on the 16th. There will also be four downloads of a gift from one of my publishers, a collection of short stories, poems and recipes featuring love and chocolate. They do go together.

There will be a drawing and what you need to do is post a comment on your favorite chocolate treat. Are you a sweet or savory person. I must admit I'm for the savory and I love a good mole rich with chocolate and spices. Also enjoy cinnamon flavored chocolate. So let me know your favorite chocolate and next Monday I'll announce the winners.

Last week was a busy one and I did spend time writing and finishing up three fifths of Confrontations. Am looking forward to writing The End. Also attended a RWA HVRWA meeting and listened to a brand new writer and another read for critique.

What's coming this week on the blog. Tomorrow I'll be looking at Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott. Wednesday will be more on characterization, Thursday's interview is with Diane Craver a fellow Jewels of the Quill member, Friday still pulling tips from Becoming Your Own Critique Partner, Saturday will be a chapter from The Brotherhood of Mages and Sunday Three blog visits.


  1. Actually, my favorite is chocolate covered cherries.

    Years ago when Bennigan's was still around, my wife and I did like to share their Death by Chocolate desert.


  2. Dark chocolate is my all time fave. Thanks for your interesting posts and critiques.

  3. My all time favorite is dark rich chocolate. Give anything that is covered in dark rich cholcolate. That is something to die for.

  4. I personally love Anything that has dark, rich chocolate. I'm satisfied with just the pure dark chocolate chunks, uuuum! I love the ice cream called "Death by Chocolate"!
    Happy Valentines Day!

  5. Good old fashioned milk chocolate. Silky smooth and decadent. That's my favorite.

  6. I taught myself to like dark chocolate when I found out it was better for you and now I don't feel guilty lol. I love almost all of it except anything that includes coconut ugh. Hope you had lots of nice chocolate for Valentine's Day. (I bought my hubby some since he didn't and now we are sharing lol).

