Sunday, October 24, 2010

Siix Sentences Sunday

My sentences today are from Murder and Mint tea, a cozy mystery that has had a long run. Been available since 1998 except for a few months.

The pale winter sun shone through the kitchen window. I cleaned up the last of the mess from my adventure. The caper hadn’t gone as planned. How many do? In my many years of life, most of my plans had taken an unexpected turn.

Merup.” Robespierre my Maine Coon cat announced a visitor on the way.


  1. Shana, It's a cozy mystery with a surprising twist. The point of the story is what happens when I protective person finds the murder weapon and fears her near and dear are responsible.

  2. Is this 6 sentence sunday an ongoing thing?

    Nice selection btw

  3. I've never read a cozy, but this sounds like a good one. My mum has a maine coon cat. It makes the most horrific noises, LOL! I'd be happy if I only had to hear 'merup'!

  4. Heather, ours was found in the wire hubcaps of my sports car when I drove one. He was about four weeks old and until he got too big spent most of his time on my shoulder. He graduated to the windowsill. The cat also taught Ashley how to crawl.

  5. I don't think I've ever read a cozy mystery. I enjoyed your six sentances!

  6. Wendy, I believe the cozy mysteries Murder and Mint Tea and Requiem Murder are available for the Kindle.
