Monday, September 27, 2010

My Writing life

Another interesting week. On Friday I signed the contract for Quests the third in the Henge Betrayed series. That makes four contracts in three months. I had a dry spell before so the last part of this year is productive. The signing of this contract means I have to get moving on the final book of the series. It's about 2 fifths done and hopefully before the end of the year I'll write finis.

Started a new bit on this blog on Saturday. This is the two sentence synopsis, something I do before I begin every book to help me stay on target. For me it works and hopefully other people will see that it might help them.

On the personal side, granddaughter has come for a visit and hopefully a stay with getting back to school and life in order. She's a Gemini with a multitude of talents and has a bit of trouble deciding what she wants to do with her life.

1 comment:

  1. Great news Janet - looks like you're ending the year with a bang! Enjoy the visit with your granddaughter!
