Monday, August 9, 2010

My Writing week Dog Days Quitting

We're coming into the dog days of August but I think here most of July fit the picture. Thank heavens for air conditioning.

As far as writing goes I'm progressing on Confrontations and have started to block in the third section while also doing rewrites on the second section. All seems cool there

The big discovery of the week was a decision to look at two books that I've received the rights back from the publisher. I'm thinking about getting them ready for submitting to one of my publishers for re-release. They're both fantasies and the first one at least seems to me to be one of the best books i've ever written. Part of the reason the rights were returned was because the publisher decided to head in another direction. While this is an adult book, it is not erotic. So we will see as I send out feelers.

The last thing on my mind is to share with people the time I gave up on writing. I do not do things by half and working as a nurse plus going to school for my BS took a toll on my creative juices. After having sole the first four books I wrote, I sort of turned to fantasy. While the rejections were rather golden, at that time publishers weren't interested in fantasy. Science fiction was hot. After these rejections and then some interest from an editor expressing an interest in anything else I might send, I read about his death. I had collected probably 500 rejections. I cried a lot and decided I would never write again. What I did then was insane. I bundles up every manuscript in my filing cabinet and put them in the trash. 10 years later I returned to writing and wanted to shoot myself. Then I found tucked away several notebooks with hand written manuscripts. From them I retrieved Murder and Mint Tea, several other stories that I was able to rewrite. The moral of this is do not throw all your old manuscripts away even if you've decided to give up writing. You may mean it at the time but not forever.


  1. Throw things out? You must be kidding.
    I have a story I wrote, I kid you not, in kindergarten. On construction paper. With (you should pardon the expression), illustrations. Also a couple from sixth grade. Endings seemed to be problematical, even at that time! One particularly convoluted opus finishes, "And then they woke up."
    Apparently, my parents never threw them out and when I cleaned out their house some years back, I decided I couldn't either.

  2. A wonderful blog, Janet, and thank you for sharing. I still have my very first young adult manuscript I hand wrote when I was thirteen years old and decided to write a romance. It is still hand bound in a folder, ink faded, and one of my favorite things. I used to read it to my girlfriends in school and even then, I knew I would never quit this profession. It's hard, but sometimes we have no choice.
