Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Writing World -- Friends from the past

My week has been busy with trying to work on three mss in various stages of life. One is a revision of a spicy romance Heart Throbs, the second is the final draft of In Other Worlds -- Egypt -- Aries and the third is The Amber Tower in the rough draft stage. Sometimes I feel dizzy but that may be my nature.

The amazing things that happened to me this week had to do with friends, new and old. Did a reading at a local library with two rather new friends. An old friend who is one of my greatest supporters was unable to come but she wants to buy my book. That's the kind of support a writer needs. A second good thing came from this reading. I was able to make contact with the children's librarian and to talk about EPIC's New Voices contest. She has the flyer and I've volunteered to give a talk about the contest during the summer. I have plans to speak to the librarians in all the other libraries in the county.

The other was a friend on Facebook but a young woman I've known on line for perhaps ten years. She once was on a committee that awarded my Fantasy then called The Jewels of Erda second place in a contest. Stacey put a message on Facebook wanting to know where she could buy what has become a trilogy The Quest For The White Jewel, The Brotherhood of Mages, and The Secret of the Jewels. I sent her the information and she emailed me and asked for three book plates. This is another type of friend one wants to keep.

1 comment:

  1. If I had a tall roof top I would shout out how awesome your Jewels of Erda books are Janet!! Truly, they are beautifully written, imaginative and so gripping. I can't say enough even after all these years. I can't wait to jump back into them!!
